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Things are just too much and I don't have an appealing life, so move on. It's depressing anyway.

Boredom is a mood.

Boredom is a mood.

Hello. I don't really know why I'm updating, since I have nothing to write about. 

I'm at my grandparents house? With all my siblings. I ate breakfast, talked to ****** (I have not asked permission to put their name on my blog). They are going out of town today, and they were bored, so they texted me. It was nice. I wonder if they kept reading my blog. Along with nbf,(new best friend) and the big B (brother). I would never tell my Mom about this, IDK why, but I just wouldn't. I had a hard time telling my friends, so.....

Anyway, I have a Wattpad account that I need to update. Severely need to update. People are getting mad at me. Oh, if you know what Wattpad is, then go read my stories @theonlypeopleleft. I write VLD (if you don't know, then don't read), MR, and some OHSHC shit. It's not very good, but yeah. And if you don't know what if any of that is, then don't read it. 


MR=Maximum Ride

OHSHC=Ouran High School Host Club

Fly On, 


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